Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A look into my craft room (A messy one)

For a look into my craft room (which is usually very clean but not in this pic sorry) here are some pics... I am still trying to figure everything out as to where to put it all. 

So in this pic is mostly fabric stacked on my desk, did I mention I just bought this lady's whole entire stash that filled 3 and a half large trash bags for 25? Yea, I couldn't pass it up! 

So in this white thing is quite a bit but not all of my yarn stash. and the basket down in front is full of fabric swatches from a decorator business. And the hamper is full of old t shirts because I know one day I will get around to using them..
Actually here is the project I have started a few years ago with them and I know one day I'll get around to finishing it. 

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